Paid entrance, no reservation required.
Nieuwelaan 38
1860 Meise
EXPO MeiseBotanic Garden
SLOW VISIT Unwind among the plants
Some museums have specific resources or can offer facilities for certain activities. Contact them directly if you have questions about accessibility.
Meise Botanic Garden is located 3km from Brussels. It is one of the largest botanical gardens in the world, where plants play the leading role.
EXPO Discover a stunning 92-hectare green oasis with more than 20.000 species of plants at dusk and enjoy the last rays of the sun with a drink in hand at the Kawa bar, which stays open specially longer.
SLOW VISIT The Botanic Garden is exceptionally open in the evening. A unique opportunity to visit the garden in the magical evening light. At your own pace, enjoy a walk around the estate, the Plant Palace, the Green Ark and the Castle. If you come after sunset, be sure to bring a flashlight!
Languages: FR, NL, EN
Hours: continuously between 18h and 22h