Paid entrance, no reservation required.
Rue du Chêne 19
1000 Brussels City
EXPO GardeRobe MannekenPis
EXPO Fashion Green Gille
GUIDED TOUR Standing Guides in het museum
BEHIND THE SCENES Behind the scenes of the Manneken-Pis dressings
Some museums have specific resources or can offer facilities for certain activities. Contact them directly if you have questions about accessibility.
GardeRobe MannekenPis is located rue du Chêne in the centre of Brussels. The museum exhibits costumes from around the world made for the Manneken-Pis statue.
EXPO Did you know that Manneken-Pis has more than 1.100 costumes? Located just a stone’s throw from the fountain, this unique museum features close to 150 exceptional outfits from around the world. Professionals, personalities, civic or sports associations, carnivals and folklore, discover the secrets of the incredible wardrobe of the most famous Brussels little boy and test your dexterity by dressing a replica of the statue.
EXPO Manneken-Pis accompanies the models from the En vert du Gille for a carnival X fashion show in partnership with the Haute École Francisco Ferrer and the Musée International du Carnaval et du Masque de Binche. See our Ketje’s finest carnival costumes contrasted with fashion silhouettes created by HEFF students.
GUIDED TOUR Discover Manneken-Pis’ finest costumes while the guides give you small explanations about them.
Languages: FR, NL, EN
Schedule : continuously from 18h to 22h
BEHIND THE SCENES Follow a Manneken-Pis dresser behind the scenes! Come and watch a Manneken-Pis being dressed and ask a dresser about his unusual work.
Languages: FR, NL, EN
Hours : NL + EN: 18h30, 19h30 / FR: 20h30, 21h30