Paid entrance, no reservation needed.
Rue du Bemel 23
1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
EXPO Art Deco bindings, between tradition and modernity
EXPO Editions Tandem : An anthology of complicity
EXPO Editions Bruno Robbe
BEHIND THE SCENES Discovering a bookbinding workplace
BEHIND THE SCENES Open Museum x Nocturnes: a visit with Architecture qui dégenre
EXTRA MUROS Keep an eye out… and you will be photographed!
This museum organises a visit around feminism and intersectionality, for more information contact Julie Desbois-Jones at
Wittockiana, the museum of book arts and bookbinding, is located on rue du Bemel in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. The museum presents precious works from the Renaissance to the present day.
EXPO The works on display in the exhibition Art Deco bindings, between tradition and modernity show the tension between luxury objects, seen as something special, and books, increasingly accessible to everyone. They illustrate the contradictions of the time and invite you to look at the book as a mirror of society.
EXPO This exhibition looks at the work of Editions Tandem, founded in 1974 by artist Gabriel Belgeonne and his wife Thérèse Dujeu. From the outset, the association set itself the goal of supporting visual artists, particularly in the field of printmaking.
EXPO Printer and publisher, Bruno Robbe sees his workshop as a “laboratory of images,” a place for research and creation. Each print coming out of the presses is conceived, drawn, and made on-site, in close collaboration with the artists, before being printed in a limited edition as part of an original edition.
BEHIND THE SCENES Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Wittockiana bookbinding workshop with Camille Stoffel, bookbinder and graphic designer, who will be delighted to show you around the workshop and teach you the basics of bookbinding.
Languages: FR
Hours: continuously between 18h and 22h
Capacity: 12 people
Registration on site.
BEHIND THE SCENES Discover the work of Belgian bookbinders at Wittockiana. Various works will be brought out of their display cases to illustrate the work of the women in the profession. The dynamics of gender will be discussed, as well as the history of the bookbinding workshop at ENSAV La Cambre, its impact on the profession and its feminisation. To conclude, the links between La Cambre and Wittockiana will be evoked.
Languages : FR
Hours : 19h, 20h30
Capacity : 15 people
Duration : 1h
EXTRA MUROS As a family or with friends, alone or accompanied, discover Woluwe Park on an orienteering trail. Vincen Beeckman, photographer on the Verso-Recto project, will be on hand at the end of your journey to immortalise the moment.