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May 2024 BELvue museum Europe rocks Fête de l'iris-Irisfeest

BELvue Museum

Paid entrance, no reservation needed

Place des Palais 7
1000 Bruxelles

  • pas-partoe
  • art-27

EXPO Belgium and its history

SLOW VISIT Slowing down to feel more


Sommige musea hebben specifieke middelen of kunnen faciliteiten bieden voor bepaalde activiteiten. Neem rechtstreeks met hen contact op als je vragen hebt over toegankelijkheid.

The BELvue is the museum of Belgium and its history. It is located in a former 18th century luxury hotel, next to the Royal Palace and opposite the Brussels Park. 

EXPO The BELvue Museum lets you discover today’s Belgium and its history through seven themes: democracy, prosperity, solidarity, pluralism, migration, language and Europe.  

Have a look at the gallery too: there are more than 200 Belgian objects to view, each one forming a tangible memory of Belgium. The very essence of Belgian-ness! 

SLOW VISIT Immerse yourself in a calming experience at BELvue with a relaxing, low-stimuli sensory tour. Discover the museum through targeted interactive activities, embracing soothing sounds, soft textures, and calming scents. A unique museum journey, in collaboration with CAP, designed to help you reconnect with yourself and the environment.

Languages: FR, NL, EN

Hours: continuously between 18h00 and 22h00