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Maison Autrique

Paid entrance, no reservation required.

Chaussée de Haecht 266
1030 Schaerbeek

  • art-nouveau
  • art-27

EXPO Maison Autrique  

EXPO Make Way for Trees! 

CONCERT A Magical and Musical Journey in Tribute to Trees 

Some museums have specific resources or can offer facilities for certain activities. Contact them directly if you have questions about accessibility.

The Maison Autrique is located on Chaussée de Haecht in Schaerbeek. This house is an important milestone of Art Nouveau and immerses you in the history and aesthetics of Brussels residences of the early 20th century.   

EXPO The permanent exhibition at Maison Autrique invites you to discover the bourgeois family life of early 20th-century Brussels. The house showcases heritage items from decorative arts, furniture, and real estate—everything one might find in a home. 

EXPO Make Way for Trees! is an opportunity to question the place of nature in the urban environment, to raise awareness of the actors and projects linked to the presence, management and preservation of this green heritage: a journey between the long history of nature and the short history of the house. 

CONCERT It seems that trees love music. Composers, too, love trees and have long been inspired by them. But do you know the music of treesDuring your visit, listen to EcoTree music, composed by teachers and students at the 1030 Musical Academy!

Hours: continuously between 18h and 22h